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After Spanish lessons, La Montaña offers a wide range of cultural and outdoor activities during which students can improve Spanish conversational skills while learning about our culture, traditions and nature. This is a great bonus in how to learn Spanish.
Led by our team members, students have the chance to learn more about Bariloche and Argentina, while practicing Spanish language and having fun. During these sessions, students from all levels participate together learning more about each other as well.
According to student´s interests and weather conditions, our activities leader sets a weekly schedule.
Cultural activities:
Historic city tour
By walking in the city and visiting historic buildings along the pedestrian circuit, students get to know more about our social, cultural and historic background. On top of that, we schedule visits to:
·      Patagonian Museum (Natural Science, History and Antropology)
·      Clock Tower in Town Hall
·      Paleontological Museum
Cooking lessons:
Through our cooking lessons, students will learn about our cooking heritage and traditions, with both European and native roots as well as learning about new ingredients and recipes.
Some of these recipes are:
·      Chipa
·      Corn bread
·      Alfajores
·      Empanadas
Video/Cinema debate:
With Video/Cinema debate, students learn about specific aspects of Latinamerican culture, traditions and social situation.
Some of our favorites movies are:
·      El hijo de la novia
·      El secreto de sus ojos
·      Diarios de motocicleta
·      Camila
·      La historia Oficial
·      Tesis

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Cultural immersion experience in Bariloche:

Argentina Wine tasting: Today Special: MALBEC. 


Periodically, as part of our After-class cultural activities at La Montaña, Rafael brings important information and good wines to taste.

Last Friday, we enjoyed MALBEC, while we learned about Argentine Winery and this is what we found out:

Argentine Strongest wine is Cabernet Sauvignon and the lightest: Pinot Noir

The area where the grape is grown will make the difference: Salta: stronger wines, Mendoza: medium wines, Patagonia: lighter wines

The specialty in Patagonia are: Sauvignon Blanc, Pinot, Noir Merlot

Labels: According to Argentine regulations, what you read in the front label must agree 100% with the wine facts, while what is written in the back label might not be 100% objective information.

"Reserva" means the wine has passed some time in oak tanks
"Roble" means some chipped oak from used tanks has been added to the wine.

Stick around us! You will be happily surprised with our cultural activities while learning about our culture and practice Spanish!


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Potluck is one of our favorite activities. It is a great chance to speak, practice Spanish and learn more from each other.
For Potlucks, we usually ask our students to bring something to eat and share with other students. This meal should be meaningful for their culture or family and explain (in Spanish, of course!!!) why they have chosen this certain food.  It doesn´t mean each student will bring enough to feed the whole group. Just enough amount so that each person can at least taste it. As ancient tribes, sharing food and stories together helps  building a strong sense of community on which tolerance and joy for sharing is based.

Since sometimes it is difficult to find the correct ingredients, some of our students can also choose to buy or prepare some preferred argentine meal.

Preferably taking place on Fridays, this after-class activity is also a great time for a farewell for those students who have finished their Spanish Program.

Don´t miss your chance to share and enjoy with us next time we have a Potluck at school!

Potluck at La Montaña



Gabrielle, from the US


Rachel, from Canada

Penny y Roberto de UK

Jesse and Leslie, from Seattle

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