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Cerro Campanario viewpoint. Can’t let that go unchecked!
One of the most popular attractions in Bariloche is to take a trip to the top of Cerro Campanario, a small hill located on the outskirts of the city, on Circuito Chico. Of course, this is one of our favorites after-school activities.
It is in the Nahuel Huapi National Park, and we get easily  to base after 30 min ride by a public bus from the center of Bariloche. From the base of the hill, we have the option to take a chair lift to the top or walk up.

Having spent 45 minutes hiking up there, we arrive to the top from where we are rewarded with a 360 degree view of the area. The legend says National Geographic had selected this vista as one of the ten best in the world. 

After a day spent attending Spanish lessons, this view of the Andes and the cold and deep blue waters of sizeable Nahuel Huapi Lake are simply breath-taking, and 100% worth waiting for.

Written by Verónica Leone

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As you may know Centro Cívico is a top attraction for tourists and visitors in Bariloche. The imposing buildings made of local greenish stones  and the large wooden doors surrounding a relatively small square correspond to the facilities of the Town Hall, the Provincial Police, Tourist Information office, Sarmiento Library and and Patagonian Museum.
Among public buildings, the Town Hall stands out due to its size and beauty. Its main wing ends in a tower from where an old clock accompanies the passing of time with its chimes every half an hour.  This clock was brought from Switzerland and installed in 1940. A small window opens under the clock activating a mechanism for four wooden figures that appear and greet each other when the clock strikes 12am and 6pm. These figures represent the earliest population in the area: one native (Tehuelche/Mapuche), one pioneer (immigrants), one priest and one soldier. 
This clock has been opened for guided visits, after several years.  Now, every Tuesday and Wednesday tourists and locals can explore the gears of the clock. 
It is a perfect tour to practice Spanish after lessons and learn about Bariloche history while enjoying the views from the tower. 
Come and join us! We will visit it soon!
Written by Verónica Leone



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After your Spanish lessons, it is nice to relax and practice with fellow students while tasting a craft beer in one of the several (almost 15) local micro breweries. These have been producing micro-brewed beer in Bariloche for a long time, but specially during the last 10 years many new micro breweries run by young enthusiastic “barilochenses” have been opened.


Spanish school Bariloche brewery


At the moment there are around 15 different breweries, with their own  space:

Manush, La Cruz, Berlina, Yeska, Gilbert, Blest, Windmill, Bachmann…

Almost 20 local producers are offering craft beer via local restaurants, bars and pubs in the area. Just ask for “cerveza artesanal” at any restaurant and you will find an interesting list of “amber nectar” and other colours. You can get them both, bottled or draught.

In 2014 Bariloche celebrated the 3rd anual beer festival which take place every December http://www.beerart.com.ar/, having 14 different stands of different regional craft beers.

During Summer you can enjoy “el paseo de las picadas” the best way to taste fresh beer in a musical atmosphere on the streets. Local bands playing outdoors and a wide range of beers with some "picadas", will be an excellent option to practice Spanish while interacting with locals and learning more about our culture.

This tradition is part of the many evidences of the bavarian influence in South Patagonia that you will find while exploring Bariloche.

Come and join us next time we go out for a beer with our students!


  Berlina  Manush

Gabrielle, from the US


Rachel, from Canada

Penny y Roberto de UK

Jesse and Leslie, from Seattle

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