+54 294 4524212   +54 9 294 431 8230   Mon - Fri: 8:30 - 16:00  


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At La Montaña Spanish School, student population varies throughout the year. We are proud to ensure an excellent mix of nationalities and the opportunity for students to make friends from all over the world while learning Spanish in a relaxed atmosphere! Each year students come from over 18 countries, with a well-balanced mix of students from US, Israel, Switzerland, Germany, Canada, Australia, Brazil, UK,...
Moreover we have students from all ages and backgrounds: University students, professionals, people on gap-year, travelers, families with children, couples, retired people, study abroad groups, among others.
For more details, have a look below:




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Spanish emergency? emergency
Are you still struggling with Ser/Estar, Mucho gusto/me gusta mucho, Pretérito/Imperfecto, Indicativo/Subjuntivo?
You need a Survival Spanish course!!
Join any of our courses and be rescued with 25% discount during May!!!
See Terms and conditions:
Available for all levels.
Discount applicable on registrations for 4 weeks or more.
Starting on Monday
Group lessons only


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Se você quisesse usar sua Licença Para Servidores Públicos para aprender espanhol em San Carlos de Bariloche, esta é a opção correta:

  • Aulas individuais ou compartilhadas
  • 1 ou 2 estudantes
  • 20 horas por semana
  • Intensa prática oral e escrita
  • Desde: 1 semana em diante
  • Tipos de Cursos
  • Individuales
  • Compartidos
  • Grupales

*Duração conforme suas necessidades
*Atendimento Individualizado

¿Para quem é este curso?
Servidores Públicos

Níveis disponíveis para este curso:
   Principiante I
   Principiante II
   Intermédio I
   Intermédio II
   Avançado I
   Avançado II


Gabrielle, from the US


Rachel, from Canada

Penny y Roberto de UK

Jesse and Leslie, from Seattle

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