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TIP 7: Make Spanish part of your everyday life.

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Switch your computer, google preferences, cell phone and other electronics into Spanish. It might be difficult at first, but you’ll maximize your time learning new words and phrases when you are using (needing) them.
Start writing your diary or blog in Spanish... little by little you will be able to express more clearly. Ask some native Spanish speakers to help you with corrections and edition.

Do you play an instrument or sing? Learn a song in Spanish to practice pronunciation. Do not worry about the meaning of each and every word of the lyrics. If you can get the global idea, it is enough.

Do you like cooking? Subscribe to cooking websites in Spanish and learn new vocabulary as well as expressions. It will be both, fun, useful and your family/friends will be greatful!!


Gabrielle, from the US


Rachel, from Canada

Penny y Roberto de UK

Jesse and Leslie, from Seattle

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